My Shared Items
Monday, October 27, 2008
MacLabs at AUK
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Brand New MacBook Pro. Not so new!
I got my MacBook Pro on 13th June '08. But since I do most of my computing on my MacBook pro(MBP), I felt I should dedicate this post to it, and guess what, this post is being written from my MBP.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Fall Break Scheduled!
Still a freshman (1st year) in the university (American University of Kuwait), I haven’t spent many semesters on campus. Been a university student since summer '07 to be precise which makes the current semester (fall '08) my 5th semester. Ok, I know that’s not short time to but still. I hope to be a sophomore by the end of this semester.
Moving on, I had to say that because this year is the year in which I had (and am going to have) the most amount of something known as "vacation." This is because the standard 4-month summer for me turned into the 5-month vacation as the Kuwaiti government announced holidays as Eid season came along (End of holy month of Ramadan).
Enough with the past vacation in the current year and on with the coming vacation, and on with the coming vacations. Yesterday, I got an email for university’s student life, announcing that the fall semester break has been scheduled from December 5th to January 7th. The official vacations for me as of this year are a little over 6 months now. These do not include other small breaks like the liberation/national day holidays, weekends (if I want to count those too.)
These holidays might be boring for me or really exciting but lets see how these vacations turn out!
My first post and Welcome!

Hey guys, this is my new blog and basically my new internet home. I will be updating and checking this site regularly, which also means I will be looking after your comments. I will be posting my thoughts and random stuff that I find on the internet and in my environment, and yes thats me in the picture